
Goedschiks of kwaadschiks; die deur moet dicht!

Deze video stamt uit 2013, maar kwam sinds kort boven water via de Facebook-pagina van Driver 61. In de video zien we hoe Ricardo Zonta en Sergio Jimenez van stoeltje wisselen tijdens een pitstop met hun BMW Z4 GT3 (heerlijk geluid btw). De deur sluit vervolgens niet en Sergio besluit net zolang tegen de deur aan te schoppen en duwen totdat hij dicht is!

Toevallig zag Sergio de video op Facebook en besloot te reageren, hieronder zijn verhaal:

My name is Sergio Jimenez, i am racing driver today in Stock car and BLANCPAIN GT SERIES. Its funny now but in the moment was tough. I will tell you shortly how was.

In that day,me and Ricardo Zonta were running with the BMW Team Brasil in FIA GT 2013 in Zolder. We were in P6, what i remember,and was a very difficult year for us because the BOP in that year was very difficult for BMW .

After a very good Start and the pit stop was running very well, when i should closing the door, the door did not close, as you can see. After that i went with my shoulder and… Nothing. My thought in that moment was only one: I WILL CLOSE THIS FUCKING DOOR . Was my determination was only this,was my focus!

Today is funny, but in the moment i was very pissed!

Video: Deur moet dicht

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