
Brabus B63S 700 6×6 is te groot om in Monaco te parkeren

Groter is niet altijd beter. De eigenaar van deze Brabus B63S 700 6×6 werd door een parkeerbediende weggestuurd bij een casino in Monaco omdat zijn truck te groot was. Spotter Jeroen schreef onderstaande beschrijving bij de video.

The Brabus was the car where all the ”Bodyguards” of the Arab family stayed in (They came from Cannes with an convoy with two Pagani Huayra’s, 1 Rolls Royce Dawn and some Mercedes S600’s. Sadly enough the 6×6 was to big to park in front of the Casino (To high, so they didnt allowed it there because it would ruin the pictures of the casino itself). After that they drove to the Fairmont Hairpin where the valet driver told them the car was to big. After driving two rounds in Monaco the Arab family descided to leave Monaco.

Video: Brabus B63S 700 6×6 is te groot

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