
Schrikbarende crash van Lamborghini Supertrofeo op Spa

De Lamborghini Super Trofeo Competition reed gisterochtend een race op Spa-Francorchamps, als voorprogramma van de 24 uur van Spa. Met nog minder dan tien minuten te racen ging het vreselijk mis voor Lucas Mauro en raceleider Frederic Blontedt. Blondtedt ging hard de vangrail in waarachter vier marshals stonden.

This morning, during the Lamborghini Super Trofeo support race ahead of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, a vehicle left the track at marshal post 12. Four marshals and one driver were injured in the incident. All were immediately attended by the circuit medical staff. One marshall and the driver have been transferred to hospital for medical checks. However, their injuries are not life-threatening. Following a delay of 1 hour and 30 minutes, track activities have resumed. SRO Motorsports Group, RACB and Circuit Spa-Francorchamps would like to thank all of those involved in the medical assistance that followed the incident. Furthermore, we would like to wish a speedy recovery to all of the marshals and the driver involved.

Na de schrikbarende crash werd direct de rode vlag getoond en de race voortijdig afgevlagd. Hiermee werden Blondtedt en teamgenoot Patric Kujala als winnaar uitgeroepen.

Video: Schrikbarende crash van Lamborghini Supertrofeo

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